Types of bathroom mirrors

When choosing a bathroom mirror, we can find a wide variety of shapes, models and accessories (magnifying glass, anti-fog, speakers, lights, etc.) First of all, the first thing you need to consider is the dimensions of the mirror, as it is always recommended that the width of the mirror should be the same width as the bathroom furniture. We can also choose a mirror width that is smaller than the furniture, but mirrors that are wider than the furniture are not usually compatible. Once we are clear about what size bathroom mirror we need and want, we will talk about the 2 main types of mirrors: Simple or decorative bathroom mirrors: these types of decorative bathroom mirrors are simple mirrors, without lights, magnification or other extras. They can be customized in shape, size and frame color. In addition, these mirrors can be fitted with wall lights to provide more lighting in the bathroom. Types of bathroom mirrors

Round Bathroom Mirrors:

Round bathroom mirrors: Frameless bathroom mirrors or with a black or gold frame to match the taps. They are usually 60cm to 100cm in diameter. Tipos de espejos de baño

Oval Bathroom Mirrors:

Oval Bathroom Mirrors: This type of bathroom mirror is very fashionable lately, and is usually used for small bathroom furniture with a width of 60cm or in large furniture with a 2-sink sink and having 2 units. In addition, this oval bathroom mirror is reversible so you can put it horizontally or vertically. You can also customize the color of the border, between matte black and gold. Tipos de espejos de baño

Square Bathroom Mirrors:

Square or rectangular bathroom mirrors: This model of bathroom mirror is the simplest and at the same time the best-selling. It comes in a wide variety of sizes and matches all types of furniture and bathrooms. You can choose the simple bathroom mirror in a square or rectangular shape with straight or rounded corners. Tipos de espejos de baño

Bathroom Mirrors with LED:

LED or illuminated bathroom mirrors : This type of bathroom mirror is more modern and is usually chosen by those who want to give a different touch to their bathroom. At BAÑO TOTAL all our LED bathroom mirrors have a double sensor, one to turn the mirror light on and off and another for the anti-fog system, so that it does not fog up when we are not showering and we can see ourselves without the mirror fogging up. The vast majority of mirrors include these two things, but in a single sensor or button, while we decided to separate them for energy savings since on many occasions we will want the mirror light, but we will not need the anti-fog system. Backlit bathroom mirrors : These bathroom mirrors do not have direct lighting, creating a very nice and welcoming atmosphere. We can find round and rectangular backlit mirrors. Magnifying LED bathroom mirror : A magnifying mirror is one of the most popular accessories, as they can be a great help when applying makeup or putting on contact lenses, for example. We can find these magnifying LED mirrors in different shapes and sizes. LED bathroom mirror with music : this type of bathroom mirror with Bluetooth connection is really cool, since we can listen to music, a podcast or the radio while we shower. In addition, our Spoty mirror model comes with an integrated clock. Hanging LED mirrors with ropes : This type of bathroom mirror is trendy, where a round LED bathroom mirror will be accompanied by totally decorative black ropes to match the taps or profiles of the shower screen.

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